Washington DCYF/DSHS/CPS Foster Abuse and Neglect Lawyers
As Washington DCYF/DSHS/CPS foster abuse lawyers, we initiate litigation against the State of Washington on behalf of those who have suffered horrific abuse and neglect as the result of the failure by the state to protect them. We represent those who have been starved, severely beaten, locked away, repeatedly raped and sexually molested, and the families and loved ones of those who have died as the result of state negligence.
The Tragic Failures of DCYF, DSHS & CPS
Since 2018, the Department of Children, Youth & Families (“DCYF”) has been charged with overseeing Washington State’s foster care system and to support children and families both physically and emotionally. Previously, this was the responsibility of the Washington Department of Social and Health Services (“DSHS”). Child Protective Services (“CPS”) is charged with investigating and taking appropriate protective action when abuse or neglect of children is suspected.
Tragically, DCYF, DSHS and CPS sometimes appallingly fail to do their jobs. When this happens, horrific abuse, neglect, and death can result. Child sexual predators are allowed to become foster parents. Reported claims of abuse are not properly investigated, or appropriate protective action is not taken. Abuse, neglect, and rape continue, and sometimes death occurs.
Our Clients Have Suffered Greatly
The negligence of the State of Washington is often the result of:
- Placing children with foster parents who should never have been eligible to server as foster parents (which could be as the result of a history of violence, substance abuse, alcoholism, or severe mental illness);
- Failing to adequately investigate reports of possible abuse or neglect;
- Failing to detect environments in which abuse or neglect is likely to occur; or
- Failing to ensure that those placed in foster care are in safe environments, free from abuse or neglect.
When the state fails in any of these areas, our children pay a horrible price. Unfortunately, our system will only change when the state is forced to confront its failings and the horrific abuse that results.
In the News – Media Coverage of the Cases of Our Clients
We Sue the State of Washington for its Wrongful Actions and Negligence
When the state is responsible for wrongdoing, victims (and often attorneys) are hesitant to sue. This is not the case with our firm.
We have successfully sued the State of Washington many times and have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of our clients who have suffered terribly as the result of the negligence and disastrous decisions by DSHS and CPS. We seek full financial compensation for the injuries and psychological damage inflicted, and for the long-term intensive therapy often required. We know that injuries and pain and suffering continue long after physical abuse stops. We work tirelessly to prove liability and the full extent of the damages suffered by our clients in order to recover for them every penny in compensation to which they are entitled.
It’s Never Too Late
Whether the abuse occurred recently, or many years ago, it’s never too late to pursue justice for childhood abuse. Though many types of cases are barred after a certain period of time under the statute of limitations, childhood abuse, and especially childhood sexual abuse, has special exceptions that can allow a claim to be pursued many years – even decades – later. If you or someone you love was the victim of childhood abuse, please contact us today.
Call Us Today to Learn How We Can Help You
If you or a loved one has suffered from abuse or neglect as the result of negligence on the part of DSHS or CPS, please contact us today. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation, and when we learn about your case, we can advise you of your options to pursue compensation for your injuries and damages. We accept cases on a contingency basis, meaning that there are no fees for us unless and until we obtain a recovery for you. In the interim, we have created this site to provide information about our services and recent cases of child abuse as the result of the failure by state agencies to take appropriate action. We hope that you will join our cause and urge states to implement the proper procedures and oversight needed to ensure the safety of our children.

Resolved a claim of a foster child against Washington State Department of Social and Health Services for $19,300,000. This is the largest single plaintiff settlement against DSHS.
Plaintiffs were three siblings who were physically and sexually abused by their father. DSHS/DCYF and Spokane County Sheriff’s Office ignored several reports of abuse and neglect regarding the children. Ressler & Tesh obtained a combined settlement of $9,200,000 for the Plaintiffs.
Settlement with DSHS/State of Washington for six siblings sexually and physically abused by their parents after the State of Washington failed to follow up on their cases after the family fled the state.
DSHS/DCYF received dozens of reports regarding abuse and neglect of 5 siblings over several years, yet failed to properly investigate or inform the dependency court of what was happening with these children. The siblings suffered years of sexual and physical abuse at their hands of the biological father.
Settlement with the State of Washington for three siblings abused by their father after the State failed to competently investigate concerns about their safety in his care.
Plaintiff was placed with a grandmother out of state. There, the Plaintiff suffered extensive and severe burns over her body due to being put into a bathtub filled with scalding hot water. DSHS/DCYF ignored red flags with the grandmother prior to placing the Plaintiff with her and failed to investigate concerns that were brought to their attention.
Dependent children from Washington and New York were placed by a New York foster care agency into a home with a known history of concerning allegations of neglect. Ressler & Tesh obtained a $6,250,000 recovery against this agency for these children.
Tyler DeLeon died of starvation on his seventh birthday. At the time of his death, his bruised and battered body weighed just 28 pounds having been systematically starved and abused by his foster mother, Carole DeLeon, who had previously lost her foster care license when DSHS/DCYF determined that she had abused and starved foster children in her home.
The Plaintiffs were two sisters who were sexually abused by their foster father and his two sons in a foster home that was negligently licensed and monitored by DSHS/DCYF. Ressler & Tesh obtained a settlement of $6,000,000.00 for the Plaintiffs.
Two developmentally delayed children suffered years of abuse and neglect in their biological home. DCYF dismissed numerous concerning reports regarding these children and their home, which included information that registered sex offenders were being permitted to stay in the home.
Four children were placed into an abusive home where they were abused both physically and sexually by their foster (and later adoptive) parents. DSHS later admitted that they failed to adequately vet the Wengers prior to licensing them as foster parents.
Four foster children suffered physical and sexual abuse in an unlicensed foster home on the Nooksack Indian Reservation. The children were placed in the home due to a lack of communication between DSHS and the Nooksack Indian tribe.
The Plaintiffs suffered sexual and physical abuse at the hands of foster parents, suffered sexual abuse in his biological home and in a subsequent foster home. DSHS/DCYF ignored the foster parents’ history of abuse of other children and issued a foster home license to them, and failed to conduct regular home visits to the foster home.
The Plaintiffs’ mother failed to provide proper care and support for them while they were in their early teenage years. DSHS/DCYF received several reports that the Plaintiffs had been abandoned and were living in a motel room with no adult supervision, and were taken advantage of and sexually abused by a number of adult men for several years.
Two children were starved and abused by their stepmother over a three year period. The State ignored ample warnings provided by teachers at the children’s schools. Ressler & Tesh obtained a settlement of $4,600,000 for the two minors.
The Plaintiffs were three siblings who were abused by the teenaged son of their foster parents. DSHS/DCYF failed to conduct regular health and safety visits with the children and should not have approved living arrangements which placed two young boys in the same bedroom with a teenager.
The Plaintiffs were placed with foster parents who also subsequently adopted them. The Plaintiffs suffered severe physical and sexual abuse at the hands of the foster parents. DSHS/DCYF ignored red flags regarding the foster parents when they were licensed to be foster parents and negligently investigating reports of abuse while the Plaintiffs were in the foster home.
The Plaintiffs were taken from their mother’s care by DSHS/DCYF and placed in the home of their grandfather and his wife. The grandfather and his wife were abusive alcoholics, unfit to care for young children. A child already living in the home was a regularly sexually abused the Plaintiffs during the 10 months they were forced to share a bedroom with him.
The plaintiff, a young child, was placed into a foster home and forced to share a room with another foster child who was twice his age. Plaintiff was repeatedly sexually abused by the older foster child. DCYF knew of behavioral concerns, including sexually acting out, that the older foster child exhibited, yet DCYF did nothing to protect the plaintiff.
Two young children were sexually abused and neglected in their biological home. DCYF received dozens of reports, yet repeatedly failed to properly investigate these reports. Finally, law enforcement rescued these children.
The Plaintiff was sexually abused by his foster brothers while he resided in a foster home. DSHS/DCYF and a private agency both failed to warn the foster parents of a known history of sexualize behavior and failed to remove Plaintiff from the home once sexual abuse was discovered.
Plaintiff was sexually abused in a foster home and in a residential care facility. DSHS/DCYF failed to respond to prior reports of abuse regarding the foster home and failed to properly oversee the licensing of the residential care facility.
DSHS received dozens of reports over 10 years regarding abuse and neglect of A.H., yet completely failed to properly investigate or timely file for a dependency.
DSHS/DCYF issued a foster care license to a convicted sex offender and placed the Plaintiff with him. DSHS/DCYF failed to investigate the background of the foster parent. The Plaintiff was sexually abused by the foster parent.
Plaintiff was sexually abused by two older foster brothers for years. DSHS/DCYF knew that the older foster brothers had a history of sexual abuse and were sexually aggressive. In addition, DSHS/DCYF ignored reports of abuse of the Plaintiff while he was in the foster home.
The Plaintiff was placed into the foster home where the Plaintiff suffered sexual abuse at the hands of his foster father. DSHS/DCYF improperly licensed the foster home and failed to regularly visit the foster home to check-in on the Plaintiff.
The Plaintiff was placed with a relative who sexually abused her. DSHS/DCYF negligently placed the Plaintiff with the relative and then improperly investigated reports of abuse while the Plaintiff was living with the relative.
The Plaintiffs were siblings who were sexually abused by their older foster brother. One of the Plaintiffs reported her abuse and the siblings remained in the abusive home for several months.
Settled claim of child who suffered physical and sexual abuse due to negligent investigation by the State of Washington. Ressler & Tesh obtained a recovery of $2,360,000.00 on behalf of the plaintiff.
The plaintiff was sexually abused by her adopted brother after he was released from juvenile detention for a sex crime. Though the brother was a convicted sex offender, DCYF forced the adoptive parents to take the brother back into their home, even though he was a known risk to the plaintiff.
The Plaintiff was placed into a foster home where he suffered sexual abuse at the hands of his foster father. DSHS/DCYF improperly licensed the foster home and failed to regularly visit the foster home to check-in on the Plaintiff.
The Plaintiff was placed with his biological father who physically abused the Plaintiff. In addition, a relative, who DSHS/DCYF knew had allegations of sexual abuse against him, moved into the home with the permission of DSHS/DCYF. This relative sexually abused the Plaintiff.
The Plaintiffs were placed by DSHS/DCYF in the care of their father’s dependency attorney, who had a criminal history which included an arrest for lewd conduct. The attorney later adopted the Plaintiffs. The Plaintiffs endured several years of sexual abuse in the care of their adoptive father.
Combined settlement for two minors who were sexually abused in both in their biological home and in a foster home.
The Plaintiff, a young girl, was removed from her mother’s care by DSHS/DCYF after the mother’s boyfriend shoved the Plaintiff down the stairs, causing a skull fracture. The Plaintiff was placed with her father, who sexually abused her.
Two young children were sexually abused in their biological home and then placed by DSHS in the home of Nancy and Richard Wheeler where they were sexually abused by another minor.
The Plaintiff was placed into a foster home in the 1980s where the Plaintiff was subjected to sexual abuse at the hands of his foster father. DSHS/DCYF failed to conduct required visits to the foster home while the Plaintiff lived there.
The Plaintiff was placed into a foster home where a known sexual predator resided, who then abused the Plaintiff. DSHS/DCYF failed to conduct the proper background checks of all the adults in the foster home and negligently investigated several reports of abuse about the foster home while the Plaintiff lived there.
Settlement with DSHS/State of Washington for the sexual abuse of a minor in a foster home.
The Plaintiff was placed in the foster care system as a young child due to parental neglect. She was later returned to her mother’s care by DSHS/DCYF, where she was sexually abused by her mother and a teenage babysitter.
The Plaintiff was placed by DSHS/DCYF in the Seattle Children’s Home, a group home for children needing inpatient psychiatric care. The Plaintiff was sexually abused by another child in the home on several occasions.
The Plaintiff was placed by DSHS/DCYF in the Seattle Children’s Home, a group home for children needing inpatient psychiatric care. The Plaintiff was sexually abused by another child in the home on several occasions.
Having previously terminated the parental rights of James and Tracy Wright, the State nonetheless allowed them to care for four Oak Harbor children where they suffered horrific physical and sexual abuse. Ressler & Tesh obtained $1,500,000 to provide future care and counseling for the children.
The Plaintiff suffered sexual abuse in his biological home and in a subsequent foster home. DSHS/DCYF ignored reports that the Plaintiff was being abused while in his biological home and then placed him in a foster home with older sexually aggressive foster children.
The Plaintiff’s infant daughter was placed in foster care by DSHS/DCYF. After the foster parents allowed the baby to sleep in a rocker chair overnight, she was found deceased in the morning. DSHS/DCYF had failed to properly educate the foster parents regarding safe sleep for infants.
The Plaintiff and her siblings were taken from their mother’s care by DSHS/DCYF and placed in the home of their grandfather and his wife and three children living in the home. The Plaintiff was sexually abused by one of the children. The Plaintiff was moved by DSHS/DCYF to a foster home, and was sexually abused there by the adult son of the foster parents.
The Plaintiffs were two sisters who were abused by an emotionally disturbed older foster brother. DSHS/DCYF failed to warn the foster parents of the older boy’s alarming history and should not have put young girls into the same home as the older boy.
The Plaintiffs were sexually abused by their stepfather. After he was arrested, DSHS/DCYF failed to investigate their mother prior to placing them back in her care where she promptly abandoned them back to their abuser. Ressler & Tesh obtained a settlement of $1,385,000.00 for the Plaintiffs.
The Plaintiff was placed in multiple foster homes in the 1990s where the Plaintiff suffered sexual abuse at the hands of foster siblings and foster parents. DSHS/DCYF failed to conduct required visits to the foster homes while the Plaintiff lived there.
Settlement with DSHS for placing two children into a Thurston County home where known previous sexual abuse occurred and the adults sexually abused two children, 4 and 6 years old.
The Plaintiff was placed by DSHS/DCYF at the Kiwanis Vocational Home (KVH) in Centralia, Washington and was sexually abused by several older boys over the course of the year.
Settlement with a religious institution for two brothers sexually abused at a private high school in the 1970s.
The Plaintiffs were residents of the Greenhill School were sexually abused by staff of Greenhill. Several criminal convictions followed.
The Plaintiff was a young boy whose family, at the request of DSHS/DCYF, agreed to care for a relative who was in foster care. DSHS/DCYF knew that the relative had a history of sexual abuse and was sexually aggressive, yet failed to warn Plaintiff’s family.
Verdict in jury trial against the Bellevue School District in case involving sexual abuse at elementary school between two young children.