Washington DCYF/DSHS/CPS Foster Abuse and Neglect Lawyers

As Washington DCYF/DSHS/CPS foster abuse lawyers, we initiate litigation against the State of Washington on behalf of those who have suffered horrific abuse and neglect as the result of the failure by the state to protect them.  We represent those who have been starved, severely beaten, locked away, repeatedly raped and sexually molested, and the families and loved ones of those who have died as the result of state negligence.

The Tragic Failures of DCYF, DSHS & CPS

Since 2018, the Department of Children, Youth & Families (“DCYF”) has been charged with overseeing Washington State’s foster care system and to support children and families both physically and emotionally. Previously, this was the responsibility of the Washington Department of Social and Health Services (“DSHS”). Child Protective Services (“CPS”) is charged with investigating and taking appropriate protective action when abuse or neglect of children is suspected.

Tragically, DCYF, DSHS and CPS sometimes appallingly fail to do their jobs.  When this happens, horrific abuse, neglect, and death can result.  Child sexual predators are allowed to become foster parents.  Reported claims of abuse are not properly investigated, or appropriate protective action is not taken.  Abuse, neglect, and rape continue, and sometimes death occurs.

Our Clients Have Suffered Greatly

The negligence of the State of Washington is often the result of:

When the state fails in any of these areas, our children pay a horrible price.  Unfortunately, our system will only change when the state is forced to confront its failings and the horrific abuse that results.

In the News – Media Coverage of the Cases of Our Clients


We Sue the State of Washington for its Wrongful Actions and Negligence

When the state is responsible for wrongdoing, victims (and often attorneys) are hesitant to sue.  This is not the case with our firm.

We have successfully sued the State of Washington many times and have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of our clients who have suffered terribly as the result of the negligence and disastrous decisions by DSHS and CPS. We seek full financial compensation for the injuries and psychological damage inflicted, and for the long-term intensive therapy often required.  We know that injuries and pain and suffering continue long after physical abuse stops.  We work tirelessly to prove liability and the full extent of the damages suffered by our clients in order to recover for them every penny in compensation to which they are entitled.

It’s Never Too Late

Whether the abuse occurred recently, or many years ago, it’s never too late to pursue justice for childhood abuse. Though many types of cases are barred after a certain period of time under the statute of limitations, childhood abuse, and especially childhood sexual abuse, has special exceptions that can allow a claim to be pursued many years – even decades – later. If you or someone you love was the victim of childhood abuse, please contact us today.

Call Us Today to Learn How We Can Help You

If you or a loved one has suffered from abuse or neglect as the result of negligence on the part of DSHS or CPS, please contact us today.  We offer a free, no-obligation consultation, and when we learn about your case, we can advise you of your options to pursue compensation for your injuries and damages.  We accept cases on a contingency basis, meaning that there are no fees for us unless and until we obtain a recovery for you.  In the interim, we have created this site to provide information about our services and recent cases of child abuse as the result of the failure by state agencies to take appropriate action.  We hope that you will join our cause and urge states to implement the proper procedures and oversight needed to ensure the safety of our children.


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