Have You or a Loved One Suffered from Abuse or Neglect While in the Care of DCYF, DSHS, or CPS Foster Care?

We Sue the State of Washington for Wrongful Actions & Negligence

We initiate litigation against the State of Washington on behalf of those who have suffered horrific abuse and neglect as the result of the failure by the state to protect them.

We represent those who have been:

    • Starved,
    • Severely beaten,
    • Confined,
    • Repeatedly raped and sexually molested,
    • And the families and loved ones of those who have died as the result of state negligence.

We offer a free, no-obligation consultation, and when we learn about your case, we can advise you of your options to pursue compensation for your injuries and damages.

If you or a loved one has suffered from abuse or neglect as the result of negligence on the part of DSHS or CPS, please call us at 206.388.0333 or fill out the contact form below.


Do I Have a Case?

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Submission of this form does not establish an attorney-client privilege. No action will be taken to protect your interests until the firm has agreed to represent you.